Cut blooms and leaves as desired. You can either cut them off right below the bloom, or leave on the stem if you’d prefer. You may need to trim the stems so they fit in the microwave. For leaves, you can leave them on the stem or pull them off and dry them individually.
Place the blooms on top of a piece of paper towel or on one side of a cotton rag. However you place your blooms will be exactly how they dry, so make sure petals are flat and smoothed out.
Cover with another paper towel or by folding the rag in half.
Place in microwave. Set a heavy microwave safe dish on top. Microwave at half power for 90 seconds. The flowers should feel quite dry, almost like paper. If they still feel moist, put them back in the microwave for 30 second increments until dry.
Remove from microwave and let cool, they will get stiffer as they cool and fully dry. How long this takes depends on the flower, but I found they set up quite quickly. Now they are ready for whatever project you’d like to use them in!