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The Sound of Music Kids Crafts

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Cardboard Guitar

  • 1 Cardboard Box (Tissue, Shoe, Shipping or Otherwise!)
  • Scrap Cardboard
  • 1 Cardboard Tube
  • 4 Rubber Bands
  • Markers or Paint
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue

Lonely Goatherd Marionettes + Theater

  • 2 Toilet Paper Rolls (per puppet)
  • Paper in desired colors
  • Scrap Cardboard (Cereal boxes are great for this!)
  • Paint and/or Markers
  • Black Rope, Yarn or Ribbon
  • White/Neutral Rope, Yarn or Ribbon
  • 2 Popsicle Sticks
  • Scissors
  • School Glue or Hot Glue
  • Cardboard, paint and sponge for background


Cardboard Guitar

  • If using a shipping box, remove flaps from the box.
  • Draw a guitar shape on a separate piece of cardboard. It should be a few inches bigger than your box. Cut out.
  • Use any round object in your house to draw a circle in the top half of your guitar shape and cut out.
  • Cut out two small strips of cardboard, about 3-4" wide, and hot glue one on top of the other. Then glue them to the center of the bottom half of the guitar as shown.
  • Color or paint the small strip you just glued on, the handle and around the circle a darker brown as shown.
  • Poke four holes just below the strip you glued on. Then cut four rubber bands so they become long strips. 
  • Tie a double knot in one end of each rubber band. String one through each hole, with the knots on the back side of the guitar.
  • Now hot glue your box to the back of the guitar and hot glue a cardboard tube to the back of the handle, and to the top of the box. This will make the handle extra secure when "playing" the guitar!
  • Poke four holes through the top piece of the guitar's handle. String the rubber bands through each hole and tie another double knot. The rubber bands should be taught, cut down if needed depending on your guitar size. You're ready to play!

Lonely Goatherd Marionettes + Theater

  • For each goat you will need to cut the following out of paper: two rectangles (one should be 6"x4" and one should be 6.5"x4", cut fringe on each 4" end), two ear shapes (fringed), one tail ship (fringed), one beard shape (fringed). You'll also need to cut out two horn shapes from cardboard, and cut one of your toilet paper rolls in half.
  • Paint the half-toilet paper roll that you cut, this will become the head. Decorate and add a face to the it as desired. You can make a paper hat by rolling a half circle shape into a cone and folding up the bottom edge.
  • Glue the horns, ears, beard and any other adornments to the head.
  • The other (whole) toilet paper roll is going to become the body of the goat. Poke four holes in the bottom of it. Cut four short pieces of black rope or yarn. Tie a knot in one end of each and feed one through each hole you poked from the insdie of the toilet paper roll out (the knot will hold it in place!). Then knot the other end to become the feet. 
  • Glue the larger fringed rectangle over the toilet paper roll. Then glue the smaller one on top. Glue the tail to one end.
  • Cut a long piece of neutral/white colored rope or yarn. Poke a hole through the top of the head and the bottom of the head on an angle (see photo) and string the rope thorugh both. Then poke two hole through the top of the body, one at the front and one at the back. String the same rope from the head through both holes on the body. 
  • Glue two popsicle sticks together to make an "X" shape. Tie each end of the rope to opposite ends of the popsicle stick "X".
  • To make the theater background, paint a large piece of cardboard blue like the sky. Then cut out several mountain shapes and paint those with different shades of brown and green using a sponge. Glue to the sky background. Attach to a table or other item in your home with clips or zip ties to use as a theater! Now you're ready for a puppet show!