HALLELUJAH! It’s raining men. If you wanted an excuse to be surrounded by your favorite heartthrobs on Halloween, allow me to assist you. We made a raining men DIY costume!!!!
Inspired that forever favorite song, it’s pretty simple to put together and you may already have most of the things you need!
Supplies Needed
- Print Outs of Heartthrobs (You’ll need two of each, one printed as-is and one printed on a “mirror” setting on your printer so that it is flipped. This way they will match up when glued together!)
- Fishing Line
- Sewing Needle
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
- Umbrella
- Dress
- Rain Boots
- Trench Coat
How To Make An “It’s Raining Men” Inspired Costume
- Cut out the heads of the all the heartthrobs.
- Cover the back of one with a glue stick and lay a length of fishing line on top. Place another heartthrob on top of that, sandwiching the fishing line in-between. We made our fishing line all different lengths, though with the wind they all got quite tangled. If you will be outdoors a lot in your costume, I’d recommend making the strings shorter and even attaching some directly to the edge of the umbrella.
- Use a needle to stitch each length of fishing line to the umbrella. Trim the excess fishing line.
- Wear a dress, trench coat and rain boots and you’re good to go!
Photos by Jeff Mindell
Bonus points if you just have spotify on repeat playing the song all night. I expect many videos of this one in the #studiodiyincostume feed… mmmkay!?
Remember, if you make a Studio DIY costume, be sure to share it on Instagram with #studiodiyincostume so we can feature it on the blog!!
Michelle says
This is such a hilarious idea, I love it!
Sarah says
OMG!!! I LOVE this costume!
Eden says
Ha!! What a fun idea! I’m literally sitting here thinking of which men I would hang under my umbrella, hahahaha!!!
Sarah says
OMG I love that you put Erik Von Detten on there. BRINK!
Diana says
I thought the same thing!!! hahah its cracking me up
Kylie says
I LOVE this!! Where did you find all the pictures?
Jessica J. says
I love this costume idea! It is really great.
Also, I am in love with your site: fonts, colors, pictures. And DIY is always awesome. 🙂
Andgy le Magasin Deguisement says
Si drôle et créatif
sheila drouin says
Is there a way of downloading heart throb pictures and printing them? I really want to make this costume. Please help!
Holly says
I love this so much! I have been looking for the perfect costume for this year and I am sure that this is the one – i adore it. It is great to find such an original costume idea. Thanks for the inspiration.
Holly from The Art of Being Holly xo
Monique says
Ok – I have just made the costume according to your instructions, but against my better judgment, I didn’t flip the photos for the second side. So the two photos don’t match up. It looks weird. I will now have to reprint all of my men flipped vertically, using a bunch of unnecessary paper and ink. Please update your instructions so people know. Thanks. ((Hoping it will come out super cute once I am finished. I will tag you in pics once I am done.))
Kelly says
Thank you, Monique! I just updated the post to be more clear!