One of my prized Christmas decoration collections is my bottle brush tree collection!
What is it about the holidays that just makes you want to collect things? My parents always had a Nutcracker collection and a snowman collection. It’s just so fun pulling them out year after year, and adding to them too!
Today I wanted to share a huge guide to where to buy bottle brush trees and other decorative Christmas trees, too! They have become quite popular so they do tend to sell quickly. I tried to include as many different sources as possible so you could start a whole rainbow like mine, or tailor your collection to your own favorite Christmas palette.
Sources are constantly changing so I have and will continue to update sources the sections I’ve broken down below! Here we go!
Photo by Jeff Mindell | Graphic by Meagan Knight for Studio DIY
Where to Buy Bottle Brush Trees
Below you’ll find some of my favorite sources for bottle brush trees. I’ve included everything from saturated, colorful bottle brush trees, to pastel versions to metallic ones!
Saturated Bottle Brush Trees in All Sizes
(Including the XL size I’m always asked about!)
Jewel Tone Hand Dyed Bottle Brush Trees
Pastel Rainbow Small Bottle Brush Trees
French Style Bottle Brush Trees
Where To Buy Other Decorative Christmas Trees
If bottle brush trees aren’t your thing, here are a few other styles of decorative Christmas trees!
Rainbow Velvet Trees
Colorful Glass Christmas Trees
(These come in sets of every color of the rainbow!)
Make Your Own!
Want to try your hand at making your own bottle brush trees!? Try the tutorial below!
Excited to spread the bottle brush tree love!! If you’re looking to start a collection too, hope this helps!!
Paige Cassandra Flamm says
I’ve seen so many of these this year and I think they’re so beautiful!
Marie says
Hobby lobby has great colorful trees too! In a variety of sizes
Kathie says
There are some at the Container Store too! https://www.containerstore.com/s?source=form&refinements=&q=sisal+tree&submit=
Beth says
OH MY GOSH!! Thank you SO SO much for featuring our Carrie Colbert Rainbow Velvet Trees!! We are honored to be part of such a fabulous and colorful list. xoxoxox
Emily Belyea says
I saw today that Target has a bunch of small and medium size trees hidden in the $1 section 🙂 Check there first!