This roundup features over 30 colorful and creative DIY Halloween costumes for teachers. If you are a preschool, pre-K, and kindergarten teacher specifically, I think these costumes would be especially perfect for you because they feature characters and themes very familiar to your students!
Some of these ideas can be great for individuals or they be created to fit smaller or larger groups. I also love the idea of using some of them for family costumes if you are a teacher family or just love learning!
Many of these costumes are created with dresses, but they can easily be re-created using t-shirts as a more budget-friendly or school-appropriate option!
DIY Solar System Costume
Science teachers, unite! This DIY solar system t-shirt would be SUCH a fun costume for you! And if you have a teacher pal who wants in on the action, you can easily make a t-shirt version of my rocketship dress too!
DIY Fruit Costumes
We have SO many fruit costume tutorials, and it is the BEST group costume for teachers because it’s simple and fun. Everyone knows exactly what you are and every single one of them can be made with a t-shirt and a few simple craft supplies like felt!
Photo via Studio DIY
DIY School Supplies Costumes
I mean, sometimes you just have to go with the classics and embrace a school supplies costume theme, it’s the perfect costume idea for a teacher!
I’ve shared the tutorials for a pencil, sheet of notebook paper, and an eraser (you can re-create this for adults by using a pink tee or dress!) but you could easily add in some crayons and a marble notebook (just splatter paint a black shirt!) if your group has more people!
DIY School Lunch Costumes
Here is another costume idea for a group of teachers. This juice box costume is one of my all-time favorites we’ve created! This idea would be PERFECT along with a whole bunch of other lunch-inspired costumes like a PB&J costume, an apple costume, and a cookie costume for a group of teachers. You could also create different juice flavors by just using different t-shirt colors!
DIY Cactus Costume
All you need is some yarn and a green shirt or dress to create this DIY cactus costume! It’s perfect to stand on its own, or you can find a variety of shades of green and make a whole desert’s worth of cacti costumes for the team!
DIY Pizza Slice Costume
If wearing a cardboard pizza slice costume isn’t practical, take the concept and do it on a yellow t-shirt! Paint a brown (crust) and red (sauce) band around the bottom and then add felt or painted toppings!
Each teacher can decorate theirs with their favorite pizza toppings, and I think it would be SUPER funny to have the assignment/worksheet for the day in a pizza box so you had to pass them out to the kids from there. (Do people still pass out worksheets or is it all digital? Am I old?)
DIY Weather Costumes
Be a ray of sunshine with an easy DIY sun costume headpiece!!! A few other cute costume ideas to pair this with for a full weather spectrum: raindrops on a blue tee, lighting bolts on a black tee and cotton balls on a blue or gray tee for a snowy sky! Perhaps even a rainbow painted tee, too!?
DIY Disney Inside Out Group Costume
If you are a fan of the Disney movie InsideOut, dress up as one of your favorite characters from the movie. These characters are fun and quirky and easy to recreate using a colorful wig and pieces from your own closet! It’s also the perfect group teacher Halloween costume!
Photo via Beccy Moore
DIY Frosted Animal Cookie Costumes
This frosted animal cookie costume can be created with a simple trip to the craft store. Grab a t-shirt or dress and pom poms, plus a quick headband made of felt and BOOM! I love the idea of doing this as a group halloween costume for teachers with all different animal ears. This one is so simple and can easily be thrown together at the very last minute.
DIY Duck Tape Playing Cards Costume
A t-shirt costume is always a great option for a teacher costume. Turn a white t-shirt into a playing card! Get four teachers together to be one of each suit, or more to be a whole deck of cards or one entire suit!
Photo via Duck Brand
DIY Palm Tree Costume
Live somewhere warm? Wear a palm tree costume to instantly bring the tropics to your school! You could wear any tan/khaki/beige outfit for this because all you need is a DIY palm headpiece to complete it!
DIY Andy Warhol Art Costume
Andy Warhol’s classic Campbell’s Soup sandwich board is the perfect group Halloween costume for art teachers! Silver paper plates make up the can hat and I’m so loving the colorful wigs and Converse shoes!
Photo via The House That Lars Built
DIY Hot Dog, Ketchup + Mustard Costume
A hot dog, ketchup, and mustard costume is perfect for a trio of teachers! This is another costume easily created with t-shirts or monochromatic outfits.
Go even further with this costume idea and add more summer/carnival/amusement park food like a burger, cotton candy, and popcorn!
DIY Popcorn Costume
I don’t know why but this DIY popcorn costume is such a fun teacher costume idea! While red and white stripes are SO fun for a popcorn costume, you can also just wear any sort of red pants or skirt as the bottom! And the shirt is made with just paint and crumbled paper!!! Score!!
Disney Princess Group Costume
You can’t go wrong with a Disney Princess-themed group costume!
For Snow White: Pair a blue sweater with a yellow skirt and red shoes for Snow White. Don’t forget a red apple!
Photo via Color Me Courtney
For Belle: Add a white apron over a blue dress and carry a stack of books!
Photo via Merricks Art
For Cinderella: Pair a blue tutu or skirt and shirt and headband and black choker.
For Tiana: Wear a yellow dress with a green sweater and hat!
Photo via Brittany Noelle Fitness
Any Disney princess or heroin can work so you can get as many co-workers together as you’d like!
DIY Where’s Waldo Costume
How fun would it be to have a bunch of Waldos walking around school? Anyone with jeans or a denim skirt and a red striped shirt can join in on this costume idea!
Photo via Lovely Indeed
DIY Soda Bottle Costumes
If you’re the coolest teacher ever, this soda bottle costume is perfect for you. The bottle cap hats are made with just a pie tin and yardstick! Grab a bunch of colorful tees and some scissors + felt and you can make a whole cooler’s worth of sodas and lemonades!
DIY Ms Frizzle Costume
We can’t have a post all about Halloween costumes for teachers without featuring everyone’s favorite science teacher! DIY this science dress by ironing on the moon, stars, and planet patches onto a blue dress. If you would rather have a T-shirt, use that instead!
Photo via Maniacs In The Middle
DIY Flamingo Costume
For this idea, I went with a lawn flamingo costume, but you could swap the leotard and leggings for a pink dress or t-shirt add a baseball hat beak, and tail to any pink outfit to be a flamingo! And your colleagues could adapt the idea to all different birds, too, to create quite the flock!
DIY Crayons Costume (Adult Verison)
A great way to make this crayon costume more grown up is by wearing a colorful dress, dress suit, or T-shirt with matching leggings or pants. The tutorial below shows you how to make the crayon hat top and the leg fringes. Instead of ribbon, you could glue the hat to a headband.
Photo via The House That Lars Built
DIY Picnic Costume
Photo via Damask Love
DIY Sports Uniform Costume
Batter up!
This DIY sports uniform costume is perfect for sports teachers! If you don’t want to make your own costume, this is a great opportunity to wear your usual school uniform or grab your favorite sports team’s jersey from out of your closet instead!
Photo via Camille Styles
DIY Mary Poppins Costume
I love how simple it is to create a Mary Poppins costume. Any white dress shirt would work for the top and a red hair ribbon can be used for the collar. Pair with a thick pair of stockings(perfect if you live somewhere cold) then finish with an umbrella and duffle bag or backpack! You could decorate the bowler hat or a wide-brim hat with fake flowers hot glued onto the sides for a fun DIY project to finish the look!
Photo via Merricks Art
More Roundup Costume Ideas
I hope these teacher Halloween costume ideas helped you pick out what to wear to your school this year! They are so fun and unique and sure to a hit at your next costume party!
All photos not otherwise marked are by Studio DIY
at home with Ashley says
These are SO cute! I’m having a hard time deciding which one is my favorite. Maybe the popcorn one?? When I was younger I was grapes. I got purple sweats and my mom pinned a bunch of blown up balloons all over me. I obviously couldn’t sit down all day haha.
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Twinpoker88 says
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Jessica Moune says
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Jack Milgram says
Well, this is definitely worth sharing on my Facebook! Even if Halloween is still not there yet. I’m not a teacher, but I hope my mate agrees to wear beer bottle costumes. 😅 Thanks for the inspiration!
Clara Jenkins says
Super cool costume idea for teachers!
Ana Mendez says
Gratamente sorprendida, excelentes ideas. Gracias desde nuestro portal con información y resultados de los sorteos de Euromillones
Cyfra says
I see that everything you do is in bright and sunny colors, there is practically no black or gray Cyfra